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Vicki Baird
Dec 4, 20242 min read
What’s Your Plan for a More Connected 2025?
Hello, Amazing You, Remember how every year I do an energy report on the upcoming year on the podcast and in this newsletter? An energy...

Vicki Baird
Nov 20, 20242 min read
Could Combining Mindset And Intuition Change Your Life?
Hey there, Brilliant You! Let’s get real: life throws challenges at all of us. Sometimes, they’re big (hello, major career shifts!),...

Vicki Baird
Nov 6, 20242 min read
How do you flip the switch from scarcity to abundance?
Hey, Amazing You! Let’s talk about the voice in your head. You know the one – that inner biatch who’s always telling you that you’re not...

Vicki Baird
Oct 16, 20243 min read
Unlocking Your Potential with Intuition and Mindset
Hello, Amazing Human! How are you doing? No, really; how are you? I know it’s easy to say, “I’m fine.” “It’s all good. Life is...

Vicki Baird
Oct 2, 20243 min read
How Habits Can Unlock a More Joyful Life (Yes, Even for Mules)
Hey there, Let’s talk about something that can get overlooked in our busy lives but actually holds everything together: habits. I know;...

Vicki Baird
Sep 18, 20242 min read
What If You Could Quiet Your Inner Critic and Amplify Your Intuition?
Hey there, I hope this finds you well and thriving! In the latest Intuition: Your Success Compass episode, I delve into a topic that...

Vicki Baird
Sep 4, 20242 min read
Intuition & Preparation: My Story of Turning Fear and Loss into Strength
Hey there, If you're like me, you know how important connection is, especially in a world that often feels disconnected. In this episode,...

Vicki Baird
Aug 21, 20242 min read
Practical Steps for Embracing Grace
Hi there, True confession: I'm Vicki, a self-aware individual, Intuitive Coach, coffee lover, and decent person who still struggles with...
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