What is Intuition?
By definition of the dictionary, is "The ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning" and synonyms of that type would be like your instinct, your sixth sense although we know it's our first sense, right?
I think a lot of people expect it to be this big billboard or they expect it to be this smack upside the head that lets you know that the information is incoming. Like it's supposed to come with a narrator of some sort, and that's not how it is, it's subtle.
I believe it's that way because it is what our first sense is, what we come in with. But I also believe that the journey back to it and accessing it to have it be part of your everyday life is one that, when practiced, has more of a reverence about it. You really trust it more; you love it, you understand it's part of who you are, your wiring.
Compass Coaching Model
Over the years, as I've learned how to navigate my own wiring. I've developed a system that translated into getting certified in life coaching and then certified in some neuropathway work.
I'm always coming up with ideas and this system that I use in my own coaching, is the Success Compass.
The North is your soul.
It's the life force, eternity, and guiding light.
Is where you go, because you end up accessing multiple volumes of information.
Are we going to draw it?
Are we going to do a vision board?
Are we going to write it out?
Are we going to design a map that helps us to begin this process?
In order to do this, It's important to hear who you are and you might not hear it inside your head.
You may hear it in your heart, your gut, even in a knowing; more of a clear cognizant way.
In the South we're solid.
We're in our human self, we need to appreciate it.
We need to love the fact that we have a body and that the more grounded you are the higher you can go.
If you work with energy and intuitive development and you are not grounded, your physical brain is going to go offline, it's going to bring in and experience more anxiety.
The West is where we've come from and our wiring is created.
We all come in with brilliance, certain skill sets and with the intention to learn.
What are your values?
What inspires you?
Where have we been before?
What motivates you to get moving?
We want to connect the dots to, why you behave in this way? Why is that triggering to you?
Then clear out the old wiring and then create new easily and effectively.
The East it's about elevating everything that we've done in the other three directions.
It's about forward movement, taking action when you've set a clear direction in the North and you understand your personal wiring from the West and you feel grounded in your physical self.
Then you can elevate your actions, and your actions will take hold.
They don't just become wishes or dreams or that thing that I want to do, they become the thing you are doing.
What is a
Session with Vicki Baird like?
I work directly with you with over two decades of experience with individuals and companies.
Is this executive coaching?
Well, yes and no.
You are the executive in your life, and you are more than an executive in your life. You have personal needs, spiritual inquiry, and goals you want to align in all areas of your life. Every person in this world is different, and while I have systems and processes that work, I consider the individuality of your situations, and we go from there. I don't like cookie cutters... unless it's time to make cookies :)
A whole-person approach is necessary for sustainable success and can be fun to pursue. Without that, you are wasting money and time investing in the next goals and practices without a self-surety foundation. It is common to succeed in one area of your life and feel lost in others. I'm uniquely qualified to help you merge those areas with my background in business and successful intuitive practice.
Vicki is the most talented intuitive I've ever experienced, and I have gone to several.
Her insights on me and my strengths were astonishingly specific, perceptive, and helpful. What I found especially constructive is Vicki's ability to read and provide insights on others in my life so I can strengthen those relationships (or choose to avoid them)....
Her insights on me and my strengths were astonishingly specific, perceptive, and helpful. What I found especially constructive is Vicki's ability to read and provide insights on others in my life so I can strengthen those relationships (or choose to avoid them)..."
Let's work together!
Call, text, or email me and let's talk.